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António Costa and Marina Gonçalves in sessions promoted by PS to explain housing package

The secretary-general of the PS, António Costa, and the minister Marina Gonçalves participate this week in two sessions under the theme "More Housing: New Answers" that the party will promote in Matosinhos and Lisbon, respectively

Author: ANTÓNIO COTRIM | Credits: LUSA

According to the source told Lusa agency PS, the goal is that the Prime Minister and leader of the PS and the Minister of Housing explain and clarify doubts of militants and sympathizers socialists on the Housing package presented by the Government in the Council of Minister last day 16 and that is under public discussion.

The first session will be attended by António Costa and will take place in Matosinhos, on Tuesday, at 9pm, at the Constantino Nery Municipal Theatre.

Marina Gonçalves will intervene on Thursday in another session that will take place at the PS national headquarters in Lisbon, starting at 9pm.

In a statement to Lusa, the deputy secretary-general of the Socialists, João Torres, claimed leadership of the public agenda for his party, thus justifying the holding of the sessions.

"The agenda of public policy of Housing has been repeatedly led by the Socialist Party and the Government in Portugal," he said, stating that at a time when the process of public discussion is open "also the PS will promote specific moments to address this issue and, in particular, the ambitious package of measures "More Housing", which the Government presented recently.

The program "More Housing", presented by António Costa, Marina Gonçalves and Fernando Medina after the Council of Ministers on the 16th is in public consultation, with "the main explanations" of each of the measures approved by the Government, and "suggestions" can be made that will be evaluated by the executive, he announced.

After the public discussion, some of the measures will return to the Council of Ministers for final approval and others will be submitted to the Parliament.

According to the Ministry, the document can be consulted here, and "contains for now the main explanations of each of the measures approved by the Government, in order to facilitate public participation by citizens.

The mandatory rental of vacant houses, the introduction of tax benefits for works in houses placed on affordable rental and the reduction from 28% to 25% of the special IRS rate on rents, were some of the measures announced.

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