Approximately 7,000 visitors from 51 nationalities have visited the space that has already been the subject of reports in the "New York Times" and "The Times". To mark the date, the living museum will open its doors, free of charge, on November 2nd

Designed to perpetuate the legacy of this living industry by making its material and immaterial heritage known and to safeguard and enhance its memory, the "Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour", a living museum of Pinhais, will celebrate its first anniversary tomorrow, the 27th, after a year in which it received about 7,000 visitors from 51 countries.
Of the nationalities that most visited the museum, the Portuguese represent the largest share (45.1%), followed by the Americans (20.5%) and the French (9.6%). After the top 3 are the German, Spanish, Canadian, Austrian and English nationalities, having already received visitors from all continents. The educational component also represents one of the most important aspects of the museum, with the museum offering educational content about the industry, its social, cultural and economic importance, having registered the visit of 800 school students.
To mark this date, the "Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour", Pinhais Living Museum will open its doors, free of charge, on November 2 to all those who wish to visit the space on the day it turns one year old. This "open door" was the way Pinhais found to celebrate the first year of great success of Museu-Vivo, already considered "Travellers Choice 2022" by Trip Advisor.
It should be noted that all visits to the "Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour" are guided by experienced cultural mediators who lead visitors to discover the roots of Pinhais and its brands. It is in this journey to the past, to the memory and history of this century-old cannery, which preserves a unique legacy, only possible due to the pillars family, tradition and uniqueness, that the role of these mediators in the dynamics of visits to the Living Museum is based.
"In the visits to the "Conservas Pinhais Factory Tour", a gentleman of French nationality who chose to go on one of the tours in English was engraved in my memory, since he couldn't miss the opportunity, he just wanted to see. But he didn't understand much of what I was saying and his French was also a little strange, which resulted in a laughing fit of both of us on the platform inside the factory, with the whole group laughing together until we reached the Can-Tin Café, the tasting space that hosts the last moment of the tour. This only proves that a language barrier is no impediment to good humour during a tour", says Marta Dias, one of the Living Museum mediators.
According to Patrícia Sousa, Pinhais' Marketing Director, "Pinhais' Living Museum represents the fulfillment of an old dream of being able to share with anyone in the world the Portuguese tradition of producing a canned sardine that is unique in the world, representing a historical legacy of more than 100 years. Obviously, we believe in contributing to job creation in Porto and North and more specifically in Matosinhos, as well as we believe that we represent a tourist offer that goes beyond gastronomy, including cultural tourism, industrial tourism and of course the historical tourism of Matosinhos and the entire northern region of the country. The same responsible concludes: "we foresee a great year 2023, with a clear goal of doubling the number of visitors in the first year, but always with one focus: to provide a personalized, unique, sensory and 'five star' experience for all our visitors".