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Leça Green Corridor

Did you know that the Leça Green Corridor is an environmental and mobility project, which includes "the landscape and environmental enhancement of the river Leça and its banks", transforming them into a leisure area with the aim of returning them to the population's enjoyment, and "contribute to territorial cohesion, linking the coast to the interior, through a specific channel for the use of soft transport modes"

In addition to the requalification and revitalization of the banks of the river, the project foresees the "construction of a pedestrian and cycling path along its banks, creating a mobility alternative for daily travel, on foot and by bicycle, between residential and business areas located in its surroundings.

The project is being executed in three phases, for a total of 18 km. The first phase, already completed, includes the bridges of Moreira and Pedra (including the connection to Picoutos), over a length of 6.9 km, which included the construction of a bike and pedestrian paths, among other improvements, "thus promoting greater contact with nature and new mobility opportunities.

The second phase comprises the Moreira and the Carro bridges, with an extension of 6.1 km, works that are currently in progress, and the third phase between the Carro Bridge and the Port of Leixões/ Foz do Rio Leça, with connections to the center of Matosinhos and Leça da Palmeira, with an extension of 4.7 km.

The Leça Green Corridor project includes the cooperation of the municipalities through which it passes (Matosinhos, Santo Tirso, Maia and Valongo) that are part of the Association of Municipalities of the Leça Green Corridor, which was formed on May 31st, 2021.

Headquartered at Lionesa Business Hub in Leça do Balio, the inter-municipal association aims to recover a river and return this river to the inhabitants, among other objectives.

The Green Corridor project has already received the International Land Award - nature and art by Achiforum and Arketipos, in Italy, which according to the LAND AWARD organization aims to "reward projects that have generated a positive contribution to the quality of life of people and the integration between art, architecture and landscape".

The Leça River, with a length of 47 kilometers, which flows into Matosinhos and that in the recent past was considered one of the most polluted rivers in Europe, has had a new rebirth in recent years.


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