Farrapas Housing Complex will be restructured to improve safety, mobility and accessibility

MatosinhosHabit and the Matosinhos City Hall will invest 94,292.01€ in the requalification of the square of the Farrapas Housing Estate, Perafita, which over the years has been transformed into a car park, used by visitors and residents of the neighbourhood.
The work is taking place in an area of 908.24 m2 and will accommodate a new car park with 15 parking spaces, two of which are reserved for the disabled.
The intervention also aims to improve the accesses to the social equipment of the Associação de Apoio Social de Perafita (AASP), the renovation of the arborisation and the luminaries and the requalification of the pavements and pavement.
According to Manuela Álvares, President of the Board of Directors of MatosinhosHabit, "this is an investment in the well-being of the citizens who live in the Farrapas Housing Estate, with the main objective of increasing their quality of life, either through the regeneration of the surrounding environment itself, or by increasing the safety and mobility that result from it".