The construction of Porto's "metrobus" on Avenida da Boavista will alter access to the Casa da Música underground car park, eliminating an entrance and altering an exit, according to the project's preliminary design

"By indication of Metro do Porto, the initial station [of the "metrobus"] will be located in front of the Casa da Música / Av. da Boavista, on the existing entrance ramp, thus eliminating the current entrance to the park located on Av. da Boavista", reads the preliminary design project of the "metrobus" construction work, consulted by Lusa.
The same document indicates that, "with regard to the exit ramp of the car park, the solution is based on making a deviation of the existing exit mouth, keeping the direct exit from floor -2 of the car park towards Av. da Boavista".
At stake is the construction of the BRT (Bus Rapid Transit, known as "metrobus") line Boavista - Império, with a connection to Praça Cidade do Salvador (Rotunda da Anémona), in Matosinhos, a green hydrogen bus service that will circulate in a dedicated lane in Avenida da Boavista and in coexistence with cars in Avenida Marechal Gomes da Costa.
The BRT investment is fully funded by the Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR) and amounts to 66 million euros, excluding VAT.
Although the work will be executed by Metro do Porto, the road service will be operated by STCP, as already announced by the Mayor of Porto.
The stations foreseen are Casa da Música, Guerra Junqueiro, Bessa, Pinheiro Manso, Serralves, João de Barros and Império, in the first service, and in the section until Matosinhos, Antunes Guimarães, Garcia de Orta, Nevogilde, Castelo do Queijo, and Praça Cidade do Salvador (Anémona).