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Museums of Matosinhos awarded by APOM

1st Prize for MuMMA and Honorable Mention for the Quinta de Santiago Museum

Matosinhos is present at the Military Academy, in Amadora, at the award ceremony of the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM), a national entity of museum professionals, created in 1965, during which several awards are being awarded to highlight the importance the role played by museums and the museological profession in each community and between peoples and cultures.

So far, Matosinhos has obtained two distinctions. MuMMa, Museum of Memory of Matosinhos, won 1st place by APOM in the Management and Multimedia Application. The Matosinhos Memory Museum was, and is, a project designed and programmed exploring the potential of contemporary technological tools, using the fundamental use of multimedia in the museological communication process and museographic discourse, thus allowing visitors to contextualize themes, narratives and exhibited objects. In this sense, MuMMa provides the public in their visits with a wide range of multimedia resources for exploring content through tablets, smartphones, 360° VR glasses, touch monitors with 360° images, videomapping projections, monitors, and contents, never neglecting the relevance of the exposed materialities. This symbiosis results in a museum capable of capturing the attention of all generations, from the youngest to the oldest. The Quinta de Santiago Museum was distinguished with an honorable mention in the same category, Management and Multimedia Application, with “Matosinhos ARt”: app applied to the exhibition “25 years later… Municipal Art Collection 1995/2020”. This was a retrospective exhibition of the last twenty-five years of acquisitions of works of art in which the municipality of Matosinhos has invested to enrich its artistic collection of a public nature, making it one of the most important municipal collections.

With the aim of creating greater proximity to its audience, as well as responding to a need to adapt to the digital age, the “Matosinhos ARt” app was developed from scratch, in which, during the augmented reality experience, it was possible to observe animated content. in 2D and 3D that bring works of art to life. Thus, by pointing with their mobile device to the selected paintings, it was possible to observe, for example, one of the famous “Robots” by Augusto Gomes trying to untangle itself from the wires that surrounded it, or the candlesticks “Saltimbancos” from Rua do Godinho. , by the same artist, performing for the public.

It should also be noted that MuMMA is also a candidate for an award in the categories of Best Museum of the Year and Temporary Exhibition.

During today, APOM will award prizes in more than thirty categories.


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