Avenida Edison Magalhães was extended

Avenida Edison Magalhães now extends to EB Estádio do Mar.
For this purpose, the municipality built a new street, from the intersection of Avenida Edison Magalhães and Rua Amélia Rey Colaço to the Escola Básica Estádio do Mar.
The new street has two lanes of two lanes, in each direction. In the middle there is a landscaped raised divider. In addition to creating walkways on both sides, the work involved installing infrastructure such as a rainwater drainage network, wastewater, water supply, gas supply, electrical and telecommunications infrastructure (pipes and boxes), public lighting and containers. waste.
A roundabout was also built in order to ensure the flows into and out of the Estádio do Mar, as well as access to the local urban network.
Rua da Quinta Seca also underwent changes. The two-way lanes with a central divider gave way to a single lane with two directions.
The investment in this intervention was around 2.5 million euros.
The inauguration of the project took place today and was attended by the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the Vice-President, Carlos Mouta, the Councilors Manuela Álvares, António Correia and Vasco Pinho, the Administrator of Matosinhos Sport, Henrique Calisto, by the Administrator of Matosinhos Habit, Helena Vaz, by the President of the Porto Football Association, José Neves, by the president of the union of the parishes of Matosinhos and Leça da Palmeira, Paulo Carvalho, and by the president of the union of the parishes of S. Mamede de Infesta and Senhora da Hora, Leonardo Fernandes and on behalf of Leixões SC., Júlio Lourenço.
The ceremony was attended by EB students from Estádio do Mar, who sang the school's anthem, with an evocation of Edison Magalhães' life path, made by Joaquim Queirós, and also with the presence of the honoree's family, represented by António Magalhães.