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The feast of faith

Procession of Martyr S. Sebastião took to the street

The Festas do Mártir S. Sebastião have come to an end. It was a day of celebration but also of devotion and it began with the Solemn Eucharist, in the Main Church, celebrated by the parish priest of Matosinhos, Father Emanuel Brandão, and with the participation of the Parish Choir of Matosinhos.

In the afternoon, the most awaited moment of the festivities took place - the procession in honor of Mártir S. Sebastião, composed of little angels and floats, including the patron saint of fishermen, and led by the fanfare of the Volunteer Firefighters of Leixões and the Banda Musical S. Vicente de Alfena (Valongo).

After leaving the church, the procession headed towards Lota do Pescado, traveling through several arteries of the city. Present were the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the President of the Municipal Assembly, Palmira Macedo, the vice-president of the municipality, Calos Mouta, the president of the union of the parishes of Matosinhos and Leça da Palmeira, Paulo Carvalho, the parish priest de Matosinhos, Emanuel Brandão, the president of the party committee, Francisco Ramos Pereira, among other personalities.

The procession continued along Avenida D. Afonso Henriques, Avenida da República, Avenida Serpa Pinto, Rua 1.º de Dezembro, Rua Heróis de França and Lota do Pescado, stage of the always moving blessing of the sea. On his way back to the Igreja Matriz, he passed through Rua Conde S. Salvador, Rua Álvaro Castelões, Rua do Godinho and Avenida D. Afonso Henriques.

The fishermen express all their devotion to their patron saint and ask him for a bountiful and safe sea, decking their boats so that they are blessed, along with the sea, in a moment marked by faith and emotion.

The Festas do Mártir S. Sebastião continued with the show with Banda Horyza.


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