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The Port of Leixões Race is almost here, but you can still sign up

On September 11th, another edition of the "Port of Leixões" race will take place, promoted by APDL - Administração dos Portos do Douro, Leixões e Viana do Castelo, S.A. The race will bring together about 2500 athletes to run or walk among cargo, containers, and ships.

With a 10 km run and a 5 km walk, the competition starts at 9am next to the Cruise Terminal building at the Port of Leixões, and will take place inside the port area.

In a press release, APDL states that "the Port of Leixões race is an unprecedented event that has had a huge acceptance by the population, since it is not every day that Leixões opens its doors to those who want to run or walk freely between cargo, containers and ships.

Through this initiative the company intends to promote the practice of sports and "provide a unique experience to the communities that gravitate around the port.

Participants will be able to pick up their race kit at Mar Shopping until 10 pm on September 9 and 10, or on the day and place of the event for those living outside the district of Porto.

The document reveals that all those who integrate the race "will be entitled to a participation medal, technical t-shirt, dorsal, water, sports insurance, participation diploma, massage and medical assistance.

There are also cash prizes for the top three overall (male and female), trophies for the top three in each class as well as for the largest team and the top three teams.

Online registration is open and can be done at the website.


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