The Public Administration Workers Union (Sintap) and the National Union of the Movement and Related Railway Workers (Sinafe) announced yesterday, February 15th, a strike in CP - Comboios de Portugal for February 27th and March 1st
Thus, CP workers will strike to provide "any and all work in the following terms", on February 27 and March 1, "during the entire working period".
On Tuesday, those unions had announced a strike at Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) for February 28 and March 2.
At issue is the "impasse" in wage negotiations with the administration of IP and CP, the unions said in a statement.
According to them, at the last meeting, the administrations kept the proposal presented at the previous meeting, "with no progress or approach to the claims of Sintap and Sinafe.
In the statement, the unions indicate that the strike is for the increase in wage values and purchasing power, for the resumption of collective bargaining and for the "non-discrimination of workers" and hiring of staff.