Traffic will be cut off in both directions from 11pm on Friday until 6am on Saturday due to the launch of the new viaduct.
Traffic on the A28 will be cut off in both directions on the night of Friday to Saturday for the launch of the viaduct linking the Cruz de Pau area to Barranha, Infraestruturas de Portugal (IP) has announced.
Alternatively, IP announced that ‘in the north-south direction, the diversions will be via exit no. 1 of the A28 (Matosinhos) and in the south-north direction, the diversions will be implemented at the end of Avenida AEP at the “Circunvalação/ Sr.ª da Hora/ C. Comercial” exit. Comercial’ exit.
The company also announced that ‘the cut and respective detours will be duly signposted’.
The viaduct, which will weigh around 410 tonnes, was initially scheduled to be launched in the early hours of Saturday to Sunday, which will be done using a ‘special wheeled vehicle’. ‘It will cross the A28 motorway in a short traffic cut-off period, estimated at 6 hours,’ says the company responsible for the viaduct structure and the launch.
This work represents an investment of five million euros and will be a carriageway for cars and pedestrians. ‘It will have a central divider, two lanes, one for each direction and side pavements for pedestrians, each 2.25 metres wide,’ explained division head António Gonçalves in statements to Porto Canal.