Event for sharing knowledge, experiences and exchanging ideas about travel

Inserted in the "Companies Month", an initiative developed by the Matosinhos City Hall from September 14 to October 14 with several actions aimed at boosting the business sector, the ABVP TRAVEL FEST 2022, the largest event of the ABVP - Association of Portuguese Travel Bloggers, is taking place with the support of the Matosinhos City Hall.
After the pandemic prevented its realization in the previous two years, the ABVP TRAVEL FEST now returns with a new dynamic, several renowned speakers, national and international, and a program that mixes training with much inspiration.
The Councilwoman for Economic Development, Trade and Tourism, Marta Pontes, attended the event this morning.
Jackson Groves, the Australian adventurer with a passion for trekking, Ana Abrão, the Brazilian photographer and author of the award-winning book Outros Mundos, Gustavo Carona, the Portuguese humanitarian doctor, and Oliver Astrologo, Italian film director and photographer who creates unique visual and emotional experiences, are four of the names present at the meeting, which will take place today and tomorrow at the Salão Nobre da Câmara de Matosinhos, between 9am and 6:30pm.
The weekend in Matosinhos is open not only to bloggers and content producers, but to all travel lovers. It will also be an opportunity to reconnect with people from the travel community, to network face to face. Guided tours and other free activities are planned in Matosinhos for participants on Friday, September 16.
More information and full program at https://www.abvp.pt/event/abvp-travel-fest-2022/ More information about the "Companies Month" in Matosinhos at https://www.cm-matosinhos.pt/servicos-municipais/apoio-as-atividades-economicas-e-investidor/mes-das-empresas-be-matosinhos