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Aladdin on Skates: Christmas Show

The Rolar de Matosinhos organized, between December 16 and 18, the much acclaimed Christmas show whose production included more than 110 athletes on the track, many of whom are already renowned on the biggest international "stages" of figure skating

The first two premiere sessions, reserved as usual for basic schools in Matosinhos and Porto and for local associations and charities, were sold out and were attended by Hugo Chapouto, President of the Club, Vasco Pinho, Councillor for Sports of the Municipality of Matosinhos, and Henrique Calisto, Administrator of Matosinhos Sport.

Moreover, all sessions in the municipal pavilion of Custóias had a huge presence of public, with hundreds of people, and also had a solidary aspect with the collection of toys and food for various institutions.

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