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AMP moves towards the creation of a metropolitan transport company

The Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) will move ahead definitively with the creation of a metropolitan transport company, said the vice-president and mayor of São João da Madeira, Jorge Sequeira, after the mayors present at the Metropolitan Council agreed with the beginning of the process

"Regarding the creation of a metropolitan transport company, the municipalities present at the meeting unanimously considered that we should move towards the creation of such a company", said the AMP vice-president.

According to Jorge Vultos Sequeira, the creation of the company "will be an important tool to manage the metropolitan transport lines that resulted from the public tender that was timely launched" and that has already had the approval of the Court of Auditors, on April 04.

"Guidelines have been given to the Executive Committee to prepare the documents for a decision to be made regarding the creation of this company," he added.

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