117 animals already have a new family

Since January 1 until July 31 of this year, 117 animals were adopted at CROAM (Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais de Matosinhos).
The CROAM fights every day against the scourge of abandonment and gives shelter to animals from the most varied situations, from animals abandoned in the streets to animals delivered by the owner himself. All animals are submitted to the necessary sanitary prophylaxis and surgically sterilized before joining the municipality's adoption pool.
The adoption process is diligent, but rigorous, and all adoption applications are analyzed meticulously and conscientiously, always with the goal of selecting the family best suited to the animal's conditions and needs.
During the year 2022, 188 adoption visits were made, and 117 animal adoptions took place.
If you have time and conditions to adopt an animal, do not waste any more time and schedule a visit to the animals at CROAM through the link:
or call 229392430.