A program to promote the Armed Forces brought together military personnel and more than 130 12th grade students from Matosinhos schools

The Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho (Noble Hall of the Town Hall) hosted yesterday afternoon more than 130 12th grade students from Ruiz Costa, Epromat and Escola Secundária da Senhora da Hora schools for the conference "Portugal and the Armed Forces", as part of the Armed Forces Disclosure Program, with students from the municipality of Matosinhos.
The initiative consists of a series of conferences aimed at 12th grade students, with the goal of disseminating the armed forces and fostering partnerships and institutional relationships that contribute to the fulfillment of its mission.
In yesterday's briefing session were present the mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the councilman of Education of the municipality, António Correia Pinto, the commander of the maritime zone of the North, Captain Humberto da Silva Rocha, and the commander of the Regiment of Transmissions, Lieutenant Colonel João Fernandes Correia.
The latter was responsible for a presentation about the Armed Forces, namely, their missions, the operational activity in the various branches of the Armed Forces (Navy, Army and Air Force), their threats and risks, among other topics. Films about the various branches were shown in order to briefly inform the young people present about the main features of the various areas.
The commander of the Northern Maritime Zone took the opportunity to talk about his career and his professional and personal experience during his service in the Armed Forces, in various areas and in various positions. There was also time to "travel" a little and to remember and share some of the most remarkable episodes throughout the time of service rendered until now.
Luísa Salgueiro welcomed the fact that, for the first time, an action of this kind was held at the City Hall, which "aims to sensitize our young students to an option for the future and sharpen their curiosity on the subject. "Serving Portugal and the Armed Forces, on land, sea, or in the air is a very interesting challenge," she said. The mayor took the opportunity to make young people aware of the importance of civic participation: "No mayor can do a good job without a good diagnosis, without listening to what the population has to say, what you have to say, what you think is not right and could be improved. Think that your future will be better if you contribute to it. Be aware, get involved with the community, with your parish, with your school. The world changes with small steps, don't forget that. Matosinhos needs you", he concluded.
After the closing of the session, with the exchange of souvenirs between entities, the day ended with a visit to the Northern Maritime Zone where the delegation followed the activities of the students of the 4th year of schooling, namely the Sea Baptism, and where the official closing took place, with the lowering of the National Flag.
It should be noted that the conference "Portugal and the Armed Forces" is part of a larger program, which began last Monday. Since February 13th and until February 17th (Friday) there are several actions included in this program.
"Enlist for a Day", aimed at 4th grade students, and "Citizenship and the Armed Forces", aimed at 9th grade students, are examples of other actions that are taking place in the region's military units and in 3rd cycle schools. 31 4th grade and 32 9th grade classes from Matosinhos schools will come into contact and learn more about the Armed Forces and their capabilities as part of this project.