International Street Artists Festival took place this weekend

The International Street Artists Festival is over. The event started with the show "Amore" (Enano - Spain), followed by "Historias de un Baúl" (Trotamundos - Spain) at 6pm and "Cinemamos" (Tenda - Portugal) at 7pm.
For the first time in Matosinhos, the festival brought until Sunday, August 7th, ten Portuguese and Spanish companies that brightened up the afternoons at Jardim da Enseada, in Matosinhos' Marginal, and presented their shows based on different artistic expressions such as Aerial Acrobatics, Clown, Juggling, Funambulism, among others. An occupation, through art, of the public space and the natural and urban environment, inevitably promoting the cultural, patrimonial, and environmental valorization of the municipality.
Art'In Rua 2022 has funding from the DGArtes' project 2020 - Support for Projects - Programming and Audience Development. It is organized by the Matosinhos City Hall and Tenda Produções.