The environmental association Zero alerted to the "weak bet of the municipalities in the door-to-door collection of bio-waste", which, it warns, "will perpetuate the failure to meet recycling targets"

In a statement released yesterday, the association recalls that municipalities have until the end of the year to operationalize the selective collection of bio-waste, and explains that it analyzed the collection solutions proposed by 84 municipalities, with most of them opting for solutions that will lead to a "low collection rate".
"The bet of most municipalities falls on selective collection in the public highway, the easiest solution to implement, but that can only have one result: the failure of Portugal to meet the EU targets for reuse and recycling of urban waste of 55% already in 2025," warns Zero in the statement.
And adds that it seems certain that Portugal "will continue to waste fundamental resources for Portuguese soils while spending money on projects that will only fill up landfills or increase waste burning".
The association argues that the support for selective bio-waste collection systems should take into account, namely, if they are solutions that demonstrate better capture rates and if they require regular monitoring of users who make home and community composting.
Of the 84 randomly selected municipalities, only 25 include door-to-door collection for domestic producers, which is one of the most efficient systems, and of these only six cover more than half the population, with the rest covering less than 10% of the population, says Zero.
In contrast, most municipalities opt for street collection, identical to the "ecopoints", which will have a low collection rate, the same with the proximity collection (waste placed in bags of specific color and placed in containers of undifferentiated), advocates Zero.
Bio-waste represents 40% of the waste produced by the Portuguese.