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"Avenida Recicla +" Project reaches more than 500 families

New ecopoints and ecobags for waste separation in Perafita.

Recycling and good practices of waste separation remain a priority in the environmental policies of the municipality.

New and modern ecopoints were installed in Avenida das Ribeiras, in Perafita, under the "Avenida Recicla +".

This is a recycling project that brings together the City Council, the union of the parishes of Perafita, Lavra and Santa Cruz do Bispo and Lipor, and covers 518 families.

Besides the ecopoints, the project involved the realization of a door-to-door awareness campaign in the Ribeiras avenue, in Perafita. For this purpose, ecobags and awareness leaflets were delivered to the population. The goal is to encourage the practice of recycling and alert to the correct separation of household waste.


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