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Burning tanker has already left for Italy

The ship Greta K left on Tuesday, in tow, for the shipyard in Genoa, Italy, after the fire that occurred on March 21 off Leixões, said the Administração dos Portos de Douro, Leixões and Viana do Castelo (APDL)

Photo: Ivan del Val/Global Imagens

The ship, loaded with 14,000 tonnes of fuel, was preparing to enter the port of Leixões, when a fire broke out on board, in the engine room.

The Port of Leixões immediately activated the Emergency Plan, bringing together the Operations Coordination Centre (CCO) of APDL, which began coordinating all actions at sea and on land.

In a statement, APDL said that the five port tugboats and their crews kept the ship safe within 12 miles and fighting the fire from the very first moment.

"The pilot boats ensured all the logistics of transferring crews, transporting equipment and essential goods, including meals, for the welfare of the crews involved," he recalls.

The crews, both from the pilot boats and the tug boats, remained on board day and night until the ship was handed over to the external tugboat, which took place in the afternoon of 26 March.

In conjunction with various entities, it was possible to create the conditions for the unloading of the ship at the Port of Leixões and to complete the preparations for the towage journey to Genoa.


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