Saxophonist filled Jardim Basilio Teles

Camilla George performed last Sunday at the Bandstand in Jardim Basílio Teles for another show included in the “Matosinhos em Jazz” Festival.
London-based improv saxophonist, songwriter and teacher, she has worked with the Tomorrows Warriors and the Nu Civilization Orchestra, including a UK tour where she has performed at several prestigious venues such as Queen Elizabeth Hall. It should be noted that Camilla's debut album 'ISANG' with special guest Zara McFarlane on vocals was released on Ubuntu Music in late 2016 to exceptional critical acclaim.
This is the 3rd edition of the renewed Matosinhos em Jazz music festival. Scheduled for the years 2020 and 2021, it is now returning, during July weekends, to the Bandstand of Jardim Basílio Teles with guests and special moments for memorable evenings with free admission shows.
“Matosinhos em Jazz” began on the 1st of July with the exhibition of works created by several Portuguese artists. The festival's challenge consists of a reinterpretation of iconic covers from the world's jazz history. André Tentúgal, Clara Não, Joana Linda, João Fazenda and Vasco Gargalo form the range of artists who accepted the challenge of rethinking iconic album covers by artists such as Charles Mingue, Nina Simone, Ornette Coleman, Sonny Rollins, and Chet Baker. The exhibition at Jardim Basilio Teles is open until July 31.
See the full festival schedule here: