MAR Shopping and Câmara de Matosinhos organize a safety and health prevention action, which involves the local community, especially those of school age

In a happy, sustainable and healthy lifestyle, prevention in areas such as safety and health plays an essential role. That is why MAR Shopping and Câmara de Matosinhos are developing the first edition of “Juntos, Somos Segurança e Saúde” between the 24th and 27th of May, which will feature awareness-raising actions, simulation exercises, lectures and exhibitions.
In addition to counting on the Matosinhos Civil Protection agents, the initiative aims to involve the school community and the population in general, as only an informed population can contribute to improving their quality of life. One of the actions puts children dressed in PSP and Municipal Police uniforms to carry out STOP Operations to drivers, with the aim of raising awareness of road safety.