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Cinemas continue to have fewer spectators than pre-pandemic

Although Portuguese cinemas recorded more spectators and box office revenues between January and September than in the same period last year, the figures are a far cry from those for 2019

Thus, according to monthly statistics released by the Institute of Cinema and Audiovisual (ICA), quoted by Lusa news agency, until September there were about 6.7 million spectators and 38.5 million euros in box office revenue.

These figures more than double those recorded in the same period of 2021 (2.8 million tickets issued and €15.8 million in box office revenue), however, they are a long way from the 11.5 million tickets sold and €61.3 million in box office revenue obtained in the first nine months of 2019.

In contrast to July and August, when the number of spectators exceeded one million, September saw 646,000 spectators and box office revenues of €3.6 million, compared to €6.0 million and €5.6 million, respectively, in the previous two months.

Of the 6.7 million spectators registered in cinemas this year, 2.8 million saw films distributed by NOS Lusomundo, which remains market leader, and one million people saw films distributed by Cinemundo.

More than half of the 854 films shown this year, 526 were European productions and 177 were produced in the USA. Even so, the hegemony, in terms of spectators and box office revenues, continues to belong to North American cinema, with 27.3 million euros and 4.7 million spectators.

Joseph Kosinski's Top Gun: Maverick continues to be the box office leader, with 710,320 spectators and 4.4 million euros in revenue.

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