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Congress "Cities and Logistics"

Reflections on the challenges of the logistics sector in Portugal

The Cruise Terminal of the Port of Leixões received on September 21, another initiative included in the "Month of the Companies" organized by APLOG - Portuguese Association of Logistics, with the support of the Municipality of Matosinhos.

This is the 3rd event held in the country on this theme "Cities and Logistics" after, in 2019, the initiative took place in Lisbon and, in 2021, in Braga.

Increasingly, the challenge of logistics in cities is to develop the ability to serve society more and better and, at the same time, ensure greater sustainability of supply operations carried out in urban centers.

APLOG thus invited the participants to reflect on the major challenges of this sector that require debate and intervention plans aligned between the various economic agents, from the Government to the Local Authorities, including companies and all those operating in the sector.

The Vice Mayor of Matosinhos, Carlos Mouta, joined the reflection on this theme, officially opening the fair, with Raul Magalhães, Chairman of the Board of APLOG and presenting, in the afternoon, the panel "Challenges for sustainable cities.

Several companies and entities such as FEUP, SONAE MC, Leroy Merlin, Delta, Lactogal, Galp, Prio, CEiiA, among many others, also attended the event.

The event was also attended by Marta Pontes, Councillor for Economic Development, Trade and Tourism.

The logistics sector has been challenged not only by the needs and demands of end customers, but also by the supply constraints of cities and by the growing general concern about environmental sustainability. As an aggravating factor in the current context, it also faces the dramas of war and inflation that particularly affect this sector.

We live in a dichotomy between customers demanding their purchases "here and now" and at the same time also demanding "greener cities, with less traffic, pollution and noise".

Reflecting on the challenges in creating more sustainable cities, incorporating urban logistics in the city's global planning, raising awareness of the difficulties in accessing large centers, addressing aspects of both infrastructure and means of transportation, identifying trends in terms of mobility, equipment and technology in order to facilitate planning and visibility of the entire supply chain were some of the topics under debate during yesterday's day.

The solutions for the future will certainly include collaborative logistics models, shared and optimized information, new city supply centers, night deliveries, other types of vehicles, among others.


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