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Damages due to bad weather in the North go to 60.5 million euros

The damage caused by bad weather in the North, in December and January, is estimated at 60.5 million euros, excluding the private sector, said the president of the Coordination and Regional Development Commission (CCDR) in parliament

António Cunha explained that the amount is divided between 50.5 million euros reported by 48 municipalities, and the rest from public structures such as the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI), the Institute of Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF) and Infrastructures of Portugal (IP).

Not included is the wall of the Fortress of Valença (district of Viana do Castelo), whose "technical solution" for the restoration is being found by the city council, said António Cunha.

The president of CCDR-Norte also said that, as happened in the summer fires, "the government will allocate a component in which it will finance these funds.


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