The district of Porto lost 31,770 inhabitants in the last decade in 14 of the 18 municipalities, with significant expression in Baião, Amarante and Marco de Canaveses, as well as in Porto, which has fewer 5,791 residents, reveal the Censuses 2021

According to the definitive results of the National Statistics Institute (INE) Census 2021, now released, the district of Porto has 1,785,405 inhabitants, 31,770 less than in 2011, equivalent to 1.7%, when it registered 1,817,175 residents.
Baião was the municipality where the number of inhabitants decreased the most (-14.6%), dropping from 20,522 in 2011 to 17,534, followed by the municipality of Amarante, where the number of inhabitants was reduced to 52,116 in 2021 (-7.3%) and the municipality of Marco de Canaveses, which went from 53,450 to 49,541 (-7.3%).
Alongside these municipalities, which recorded a sharper fall in population, nine municipalities in the district of Porto registered a decrease of more than 1%: Santo Tirso (-5.3%), Felgueiras (-3.8%), Penafiel (-3.6%), Paredes (-2.9%), Porto (-2.4%), Gondomar (-2.2%), Matosinhos (-1.7%), Paços de Ferreira (-1.3%) and Trofa (-1.2%).
The municipalities of Maia and Lousada also registered slight decreases, -0.24% and -0.05%, respectively.
According to the 2021 Census, the municipality of Porto (district capital) lost 2.4% of its population, falling from 237,591 inhabitants to 231,800 in one decade, the equivalent to 5,791 fewer residents.
Contrary to the trend of 14 of the 18 municipalities of the Porto district, in Vila do Conde the number of inhabitants increased by 1.6%, Póvoa de Varzim grew by 1.34%, in Valongo the growth was 0.8% and in Vila Nova de Gaia, 0.5%.
In the district of Porto, the definitive results of the 2021 Census are similar to the preliminary data released in July 2021, differing in the number of councils where a decrease in population was registered, which becomes 14 when including Lousada that, similarly to the others, registered a decrease in residents.
Another of the differences between the two documents is based on the total number of inhabitants lost over the last decade in the district, which, according to the definitive results, are 1,251 more than those initially disclosed (30,519 inhabitants).
The collection phase of the Census 2021 took place between 05 April and 31 May and the data refer to the date of the census moment, 19 April 2021.