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Fire consumed an area of brushwood next to the river Leça

A fire broke out at 3.10 p.m. this Sunday, April 30, in an area of brushwood next to the river Leça

There is no record of injuries and no house was threatened by the flames.

A bush area near Rua Felgueiras, in Guifões, Matosinhos, has been consumed by flames since 3.10pm this Sunday. According to a source from the Porto Sub-Regional Command of Civil Protection Emergency Operations, the fire is in the aftermath phase and no injuries have been reported.

Although the fire broke out near a residential area, no house was threatened by the flames. By 8.30pm, the four fire brigades of the municipality of Matosinhos remained at the scene, in rescue manoeuvres, with a total of 21 operatives and six cars.

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