The GNR detained 702 people in flagrante delicto, most of them for driving under the influence of alcohol (272) or without a license (183), and 20 of them for domestic violence, in operations carried out over the past week, according to the Guarda

In a statement, the National Republican Guard (GNR) highlights, in addition to arrests linked to road activity, 76 for drug trafficking, during "a set of operations, throughout the country, between 3 and March 9".
In fourth place among the crimes with the highest number of arrests is domestic violence (20 arrested in flagrante delicto) in these operations that took place "in addition to their daily operational activity.
The prevention and fight against crime was one of the goals of these operations, in which the GNR seized 16,609 doses of heroin, 3,265 doses of hashish, and 2,822 doses of cocaine, in addition to other drugs, including synthetic ones.