Closing of the projects "Matosinhos around the table" and "Conservar Afetos Femininos"
The conclusion of the projects "Conserving Feminine Affections" and "Matosinhos around the table", supported by the Healthy Neighborhoods Program, was marked on Tuesday, October 25th.
The closing session took place at Lionesa Business Hub and was attended by the mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the councilwoman for Housing, Manuela Álvares, and the administrator of MatosinhosHabit, Helena Vaz.
The "Healthy Neighborhoods" program aims to promote the improvement of health conditions, well-being and quality of life of the population, acting in the areas of health, social, economic, urban and environmental, through projects submitted by associations, communities, non-governmental organizations, civic movements and neighborhood organizations.
In the municipality of Matosinhos, 16 projects were approved.
The project "Conserving Feminine Affections", from the Association "Agir pelo Planeta", worked in the housing developments Bairro dos Pescadores, Biquinha 1/2/3/N/Antigo and Carcavelos I and II, where single parenthood is relevant (representing 88% of households) and where low qualifications, long-term unemployment and precarious income stand out. The project was therefore focused on entrepreneurship, social innovation and female empowerment.
"Matosinhos around the table" is a project by ADEIMA - Association for the Integrated Development of Matosinhos, which focused on the housing developments of Seixo, Biquinha, Cruz de Pau, Guarda, Ponte do Carro, and Salazar.
Chef Hélio Loureiro starred in a series of episodes dedicated to various health-related themes, which included the participation of special guests, but also residents of the housing developments involved in the project, sharing examples of good practices and local initiatives.
A Youtube channel was created and made available two episodes per week. The recordings took place in a studio-kitchen in the Ponte do Carro housing complex.
With the project "Matosinhos around the table", it was intended to reduce stigma and exclusion, and promote healthy lifestyles.
Besides the projects "Matosinhos around the table" and "Conserving Feminine Affections", the following projects were also included in the "Healthy Neighborhoods" program: "Neighborhoods without Bullying" by the Plano i Association, "(Com)vida S. Gens História do meu Bairro" (My Neighborhood's History) by Grupo Desportivo Recreativo e Cultural Alto de Avilhó, "Eu, tu e nós... We are Seixo" of the Association Atletas De Força De Portugal - O mais forte, "Encouraging Sharing in the Cruz de Pau" of the Association Encouraging Sharing, "Hands to the Opera" of the Cultural Association Aventuras do Costume, "The Neighborhood is in(clusive)" of the Association for the Promotion of Research in Design and Art - (esad-idea), "O2 Oportunidades para Tod@s" of the Association for Second Chance Education (AE20), "The Leixões of Memories" of the Association Aventura com Carisma, "Ribeiras + Inclusiva" of the Association for Development and Social Mobilization - DEMOS, "Safe - Health, Art, Training, Education" of the Association for Family Planning, "Seashore Angeiras" of the Associação Mútua dos Armadores de Pesca de Angeiras, "Stayaway Cancer" of the Association of Support to People with Cancer, "Living with Diabetes" of the Associação Protetora dos Diabéticos Portugal and "100Limites" of the Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários de Leça do Balio.