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Inauguration of urban art that aims to reinforce the importance of preserving the environment

Ascendi invites you to the inauguration of the graffiti mural on Ascendi's infrastructure located at the traffic circle on Rua Henrique Bravo, in São Mamede de Infesta, at the bottom of the A4

This work, created by the artist Tiago Fedor complements the work implemented in 2021 and aims to highlight the importance of preserving the environment.

The inauguration ceremony for the urban art mural will take place next Saturday, January 21, at 11:30 am, and will be attended by the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, as well as the Councillor for the Environment and Energy Transition, Maria Manuela de Carvalho Álvares, the artist "Fedor" and representatives of Ascendi.

This initiative, which arises under Ascendi's sustainability policy, results from the concern to cultivate an ethical and responsible relationship with its surroundings, aiming to promote a culture of biodiversity appreciation and more sustainable environmental practices.

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