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Integration of the Homeless

Minister of Labor visits Shared Housing in Matosinhos

The Minister of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security, Ana Mendes Godinho, came to Matosinhos to see, on the ground, the work that the municipality is doing regarding the integration of homeless people.

The visit was attended by the mayor, Luísa Salgueiro, the director of MatosinhosHabit, Helena Vaz, and the president of ADEIMA- Association for the Integrated Development of Matosinhos, Lurdes Queirós.

One of the projects that deserved the Government's attention was Shared Housing.

Under the National Strategy for the Integration of Homeless People, this project foresees the creation of responses at the level of shared equipment of a transitional nature, with the ultimate goal of social integration of homeless people.

ADEIMA signed a protocol with Social Security for the operation of shared apartments. In addition to housing, basic needs are ensured, as well as social monitoring, close and appropriate to the specificities and needs of each person.

Located in one of the housing developments managed by MatosinhosHabit, the four apartments (2 T3 and 2 T2) have the capacity to receive 10 users, according to the protocol of cooperation with Social Security, and, at this moment, all vacancies are occupied.

The technical team defines and develops an individual intervention plan for each of the residents, according to their individual needs and respective skills, ensuring their follow-up.

The plan includes actions that promote their insertion (orientation to resources of the social network, education/training, response to job offers, among others), as well as activities of daily living that will be their responsibility or co-responsibility in the daily management of the apartment where they are living.


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