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International sports congress to take place this week

From 20 to 23 April, in Matosinhos; registrations open

As part of the 20th anniversary of Matosinhos Sport, Matosinhos will host, from 20 to 23 April, the "International Sports Congress" aimed at all professionals and students of the sports community.

Graduates and students in Physical Education and Sports Management, physical exercise technicians, sports coaches, health professionals, municipal managers, gymnasium managers, sport association managers and other interested parties may already register for the training sessions, lectures (free of charge) and workshops that are part of the congress programme through this link. The opening takes place next Thursday, April 20th, at 21h00, at the Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos and will be held by Ana Catarina Mendes, Deputy Minister and Parliamentary Affairs, and Luísa Salgueiro, Mayor of Matosinhos. José Maia, full professor at the Sports Faculty of the University of Porto, and André Seabra, director of the Portugal Football School at the Portuguese Football Federation, will complete the panel at the opening session of this Congress, which will be moderated by Júlio Magalhães. The theme for debate that evening will be the sports public policies and the importance of physical exercise and sports in society.

For the following days, reflections are expected around topics such as swimming pool management, exercise for health: the practice through science, prevention and treatment of sports injuries, post-pandemic obesity, trends for the world fitness market in 2023, brain functions in the process of aquatic rehabilitation, among others. Full programme here. You can find more information such as the rules of procedure, the speakers, the congress venues, or parking, here.

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