Through Pordata data, collected by the 2021 Census, it is possible to see in which municipalities it takes longer to get to work
Looking at Porto, Valongo, Matosinhos, or Maia, it is Matosinhos that comes first with the shortest travel time to work.
The people from Matosinhos take, on average, 19.7 minutes to get to work, against 22.1 minutes for those from Valongo, 20.3 for those from Porto, and 20.5 minutes for those from Maia. To arrive at these data, an attempt was made to answer the question "Where do people take more minutes, on average, to get to their place of work or study?"
With these numbers, Maia appears in position #47 on the list of municipalities where people take more minutes to get to work or to their place of study.
About this data, Pordata clarifies that they refer to "the employed and student population attending school starting from (and including) pre-school", adding that excluded from these figures are "people who work at home, those who have no fixed or usual place of work or study, and those who live in the dwelling but do not live there most of the year for health, study, or work reasons".