Sociedade Ponto Verde with awareness-raising action for children and young people

The Recicla Mania action by Sociedade Ponto Verde (SPV) arrives tomorrow in the north of the country. It is, first, on Matosinhos beach, and then on Leça da Palmeira beach (Matosinhos, the 22nd) and Beijinhos beach (Póvoa do Varzim, the 25th) that children and young people will be able to participate in the giant board game dedicated to Recycling, between 9 am and 12 pm.
“Do I need to wash the packages before putting them in the recycling bin?”, “I broke a mirror at home. Where do I put the glasses?” or “If we always recycle the paper we use, what raw material are we saving?” are some of the questions that will test the participants' knowledge. The objective of Recicla Mania is to help clarify doubts and teach good practices on waste separation, including the correct placement of packaging in recycling bins.
Its particularity is the fact that children and young people are the pawns of the game who, after rolling the dice, advance through colored houses (green, blue and yellow) where, in some, they will be challenged to test their knowledge about Recycling. , until they reach the goal.
SPV's summer initiative reinforces its activities in the area of Education for Environmental Citizenship, focusing on raising awareness among young people of the importance of separating packaging at any time and in any place, in this case on the beach, one of the natural ecosystems that must be preserved.
Recicla Mania is an educational and very fun activity that will provide good moments of conviviality among the participants. It is mainly aimed at groups integrated in holiday camps that are enjoying their mornings at the beach at this time of year, after the end of the school year.
Until the end of July, Recicla Mania will travel the beaches from north to south of the country.