According to JN, the Matosinhos City Hall guarantees that Bruno and Irina, the couple that has been sleeping for over a month at the airport, has been refused various types of support

Photo: José Carmo/Global Imagens
In response to the JN, the City Council said that "despite several contacts with the couple, he has rejected the help, including support from Santana Home for food and hygiene".
The municipality also made it known that Bruno and Irina were offered a walking card so that they could go to Lar de Santana, which they had always refused, at least until the day before yesterday.
"The couple told the team, several times, that they were dealing with their situation by their own means, emphasizing that they didn't need the team's support. In fact, several times they expressed this desire, either during phone calls or via SMS. The couple's attitude was never one of collaboration with the technicians, but rather of some hostility", the City Hall made known.
Similarly, the City Council said that "Irina's family was contacted and agreed to support her individually, however, the user refuses this support. "Irina also refuses the hypothesis of temporary shelter in the same way.
In any case, the same entity makes it known that only the day before yesterday the couple accepted "the walkers and the support of the Home, as well as the referral to request the Social Integration Income.
The Municipality also assured that it will "maintain a close monitoring and perform all necessary steps".