In the last town hall meeting of Matosinhos in 2022, a proposal was approved to increase water tariffs for 2023, in the municipality

Only the PS voted in favor, while the remaining parties rejected the proposal.
According to the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, this increase is based on the contractual formula of Indaqua's concession, and that the Water and Waste Services Regulatory Authority (ERSAR) requires the municipality to apply. "We would prefer not to increase, but there is no political measure in this update, it is simply a compliance with the rules," added the mayor in statements published by JN.
A water tariff increase was approved for 2023 in Matosinhos.
The PS was isolated in this decision, being the only party to vote in favor of this decision.
The Matosinhos PSD came out to say that "it cannot agree with a new rise in prices that the population has to bear. In transversal areas and that reach increasingly to essential goods, is already a guarantee for the Portuguese (and matosinhenses in particular) that they will pay more for the same thing they use", can be read in the publication of the PSD Matosinhos in its Facebook page.
The cost of living continues to rise. So the PSD believes that the municipality can not "be indifferent to the growing difficulty of so many families to pay their most basic expenses".