The Matosinhos City Hall and MatosinhosHabit are working on an investment plan that foresees around 85 million euros in the construction and requalification of social housing, in supported renting and in the municipal renting support program.

In municipal housing solutions, 57.2 million Euros will be invested, to which will be added the amount invested in the Municipal Rental Support Program, about 5 million Euros. For housing solutions of private promotion, a sum of 22.8 million euros is destined.
According to Manuela Álvares, president of the Board of Directors of MatosinhosHabit EM, "the political ambition and the municipal strategy, in terms of housing, is not restricted to the Local Housing Strategy. The perspective is broader and fits into the municipal development model, which is multidimensional and pursues objectives of opening opportunities to all citizens, of valuing people and local identity, of financial municipal management, with an environmentally sustainable purpose, of promoting well-being and quality of life", he explains.
The Local Housing Strategy for Matosinhos has several actions planned in order to strengthen the municipality's intervention in promoting access to housing, promote social cohesion, attract and retain residents, qualify the municipal housing stock, promote qualification and territorial cohesion and consolidate the municipal territorial model.
This investment foresees the rehabilitation of 400 vacant municipal social housing units for new rehousing under the supported lease scheme, as well as the construction of 384 new units, spread over 5 housing developments, in different parts of the municipality, for allocation under the supported lease scheme, under municipal regulations (São Gens, Estádio do Mar, Atriz Alda Rodrigues, Cruz de Pau and Guifões).
The municipal plans also include the acquisition and rehabilitation of buildings for 105 social housing units (Flor do Infesta), for re-housing under the supported lease system, and the rehabilitation of 5 municipal housing developments, with a total of 600 houses covered (Recarei, Custió, Ponte do Carro, Seixo II and Chouso).
The municipal response to the housing issue in Matosinhos also involves the rehabilitation of 48 houses, spread over 3 non-municipal housing developments, and other specific housing solutions such as situations - homelessness, domestic violence, autonomy for young people - totaling 109 households covered.
Also in the scope of the planned actions of the Local Housing Strategy, "we highlight in the year 2022 the rehabilitation of 80 municipal housing units for rehousing, the acquisition of 2 buildings for the creation of 105 social housing units (Flor do Infesta) and the beginning of the rehabilitation process, as well as the opening of the procedure for the rehabilitation of the 5 municipal housing units mentioned above (Recarei, Custió, Ponte do Carro, Seixo II and Chouso)", says Manuela Álvares.
Under conclusion phase are the projects of architecture and specialties for the construction of the384 new houses referring to São Gens, Estádio do Mar, Atriz Alda Rodrigues, Cruz de Pau and Guifões, as well as the rehabilitation of Block J (Fishermen's Quarter) of mixed ownership (5 municipal housing and 3 private).