Portugal continues to waste, with breakdowns, breakages and detour, 28.8% of the water that enters the supply networks. According to data now released by the sector regulator, Matosinhos repeats the seventh lowest value, nationally, of unbilled water: 12.8%.

The data refers to 2021, has now been released by the Water and Waste Services Regulatory Authority (ERSAR) and shows how INDAQUA Matosinhos remains at the forefront of efficient water supply management.
The management ensured by the concessionaire earned Matosinhos a volume of water losses in the supply networks of only 12.8%, the seventh best result in Portugal and the fourth best in the Metropolitan Area of Porto.
By 2022, data from INDAQUA Matosinhos show that there was a significant improvement in the percentage of losses in this municipality, which dropped to 10.8%.
These values contrast with the national results of the "Non-invoiced Water" indicator, which evaluates these losses. In 2021, the country's average was 28.8%, corresponding to 237 billion liters of water per year, a figure that has remained relatively constant for more than a decade.
"Managing network losses is, above all, a responsibility to the environment, as it ensures that we are making a real contribution to combating water waste. In this sense, these results are a source of pride for the INDAQUA Matosinhos team, which has sought to ensure a continuous evolution in the efficient management of the supply, as well as confirm that all the investment we have made in the operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of water supply networks has proven to be correct", explains Tiago Fragata, General Director of INDAQUA Matosinhos.
The "Uninvoiced Water" indicator includes, essentially, the losses generated by leaks, ruptures, spills in reservoirs or other inefficiencies that cause the water that enters the pipes never to be consumed and that represent about 74% of the total. To these are added the commercial losses that occur close to the consumer and involve illegal consumption (theft or detour of water) or even poor accounting of consumption due to obsolete meters.
In the average of concessions operated, in 2021, by INDAQUA (Santo Tirso/Trofa, Vila do Conde, Santa Maria da Feira, Matosinhos and Oliveira de Azeméis), water losses were 14.3%. According to the company's data, in 2022, this percentage was reduced to 12.4%, counting on a general improvement in performance and already with the group's most recent concessions: Barcelos, Marco de Canaveses and Paços de Ferreira.