The data recently released by the water regulator reflects the quality of the water distributed through the public network in Matosinhos. In this municipality, the "safe water" indicator stood at 99.65%

National Water Day was celebrated on 1 October). In Matosinhos, the reasons to celebrate this important resource are many: the regulator revealed the results of the indicator "safe water" and, in this municipality, the quality continues to be excellent.
In its latest report dedicated to "Monitoring the quality of water for human consumption", the Water and Waste Services Regulatory Authority (ERSAR) set at 99.65% the safety of the water distributed in Matosinhos, where the management of the operation is ensured by INDAQUA. The value is above the already very high national average of 99%.
"Public network water is a safe and right choice for consumers. ERSAR's results, which mirror the municipal and national panorama, indicate this, due to the safety of its consumption", explains Tiago Fragata, General Director of INDAQUA Matosinhos, who also adds that, "because it is a priority of INDAQUA Matosinhos, water quality reflects the efficiency of the service provided to the population and the sustainability that extends to the entire operation".
In the six concessions that operated in the last year analysed by ERSAR (2021), INDAQUA obtained an average of 99.8% in the safe water indicator, which takes into account the percentage of analyses carried out and the percentage of analyses that, in each territory, meet the quality parameters defined by law.