The Municipality of Matosinhos will invest about 312 thousand euros in the rehabilitation of 20 vacant houses that belong to its housing stock. The goal is, during this year, rehabilitate 100 dwellings that are abandoned

The investment will be the responsibility of the municipal company MatosinhosHabit and is part of the Framework Agreement for the Rehabilitation of Dumped Houses in the Housing Park of the Municipality of Matosinhos.
The houses are T1, T2 and T3 and, after renovation, will be "made available for allocation to families in a situation of economic and financial fragility, which are on the waiting list of the program of requests for social housing of MatosinhosHabit. "The work will have an average execution period of 45 days, after the consignation of the contracts," says the municipal company, in a statement.
"The goal is to rehabilitate 100 vacant houses throughout 2023 and thus drastically reduce the number of unoccupied dwellings. This goal will only be achievable with a rigorous social and housing management, which takes into due consideration the adequacy of the housing typologies to the real needs of households, associated with a systematic monitoring of illegal occupation situations", stresses Manuela Álvares, president of the Board of Directors of MatosinhosHabit, quoted in the statement.
"In addition to housing rehabilitation, MatosinhosHabit and the Matosinhos City Council are working on an investment plan of about 85 million euros for the construction of approximately 500 social housing units by 2026," concludes the document.