II National Meeting of Youth Friendly Municipalities, at Casa da Arquitectura

Casa da Arquitectura hosted the 2nd National Meeting of Youth Friendly Municipalities. Organized by the National Network of Youth Friendly Municipalities, a project of the National Federation of Youth Associations, this event aims to discuss, reflect and build local youth policies with the municipal councils that make up the network.
The National Network of Youth Friendly Municipalities is a platform for contact and commitment of the youth associative movement and local authorities, for the implementation of real youth policies, promoting an innovative approach in the way of facing the issues of youth participation.
In 2019, it is worth remembering, the National Plan for Local Youth Policies was launched, resulting from a process of listening to young people, youth technicians and policy makers, diagnosing the state of local measures for young people and subsequent weighing, debate and definition. of real local youth policies, which serves as an inspiring guide for their implementation and execution.
Of today's program, the highlight is the debate on the future of Local Youth Policies, the presentation of the Agenda for the Innovation of Local Youth Policies, the attribution of the Youth Friendly Municipality Seal and the signing of the INOVE Jovem Pact.
The opening session was attended by the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro, the president of the National Federation of Youth Associations, Tiago Manuel Rego, and the chairman of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, Vítor Pataco. Also present were the President of the Municipal Assembly, Palmira Macedo, the Vice-President of the Municipality and Councilor for Youth, Carlos Mouta, the Executive Administrator of Matosinhos Sport, Henrique Calisto, the President of the Board of the Parish Union of S. Mamede de Infesta and Senhora da Hora, Leonardo Fernandes, among other personalities.
The president of the National Federation of Youth Associations, Tiago Manuel Rego, considered that “the unrest of the young generations is the elixir of the eternal life of humanity”, hence he defends that “young people should be co-authors of youth policies”.
Vítor Pataca, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Institute for Sports and Youth, stressed that “at the local level, most policies have a greater impact on their recipients, including youth policies”.
Among the main challenges that young people face are unemployment, access to education and housing, deteriorating economic conditions or health-related problems.
The Mayor, Luísa Salgueiro, praised the importance of a supra-municipal vision and the involvement of metropolitan areas in youth policies.
Matosinhos was one of the municipalities that received the Youth Friendly Municipality Seal, reinforcing its role as a municipality that promotes youth-friendly policies.
The closing session of the II National Meeting of Youth Friendly Municipalities was in charge of the Secretary of State for Sport and Youth, João Paulo Correia.