Metro do Porto celebrated this Wednesday, December 7th, 20 years of existence, having started its operations with the Blue Line (A), which operated between Senhor de Matosinhos and Trindade stations

The company recalls that "between the formal opening of the first construction site, in Campanhã, in 1999, to the inauguration of the VC Fashion Outlet Station - Modivas (the last to be created), in 2017, the Metro network has been extended over 67 km's (of which 7.7 km in tunnel) and 82 stations".
The Blue Line was joined by the Red (B), Green (C), Yellow (D), Violet (E) and Orange (F) lines. The municipalities of Vila Nova de Gaia, Maia, Gondomar, Vila do Conde and Póvoa de Varzim have also been included.
Metro's direct impact on citizens' lives is reflected in more than 952 million validations. The year 2019 recorded a record 71.5 million and the current year counted more than 53 million. "A number already close to that recorded before the pandemic, in the same period of time," reveals the transport company.
Through Metro do Porto services there were 12 thousand fewer cars circulating daily and from the environmental point of view, thanks to the use of this means of transport, 55 thousand tons of CO2 were no longer emitted annually.