Articulation with the National Cinema Plan (PNC) and with the Cine-Escolas and 7/1 projects already implemented in the municipality of Matosinhos
With the purpose of promoting film literacy and film culture among 1st CEB students, the Municipality of Matosinhos held on the 1st of June, in the Salão Nobre, the first edition of the Mini-Shorts Gala 2022, in articulation with the National Film Plan (PNC) and with the projects
Cine-Escolas and 7/1 already implemented in the municipality of Matosinhos, so that students who attended the curriculum enrichment activities had the possibility to present their projects developed in the Theater and Cinema Workshops, specifically in the Short Films workshop, which developed in the 4th year of schooling dedicated to the theme of cinema.
This project involved students, class teachers, schools and school groups, from the conception of the mini-shorts to the various stages of selection to participate in this Gala.
The winners of the nominated categories in this first edition were:
- Best Film - Mini-Short "Jogo Infinito", by Turma 4º A, EB Nogueira Pinto, AE Eng. Fernando Pinto de Oliveira – Professor Olinda Rocha;
- Best Script - Mini-Short "Self", from Classes 4º E and 4º F of EB Igreja Velha, by AE Abel Salazar – Prof. William Gavião;
- Best Storyboard – Mini-Short "O Rapto", from Class 4th A of EB Florbela Espanca, from AE Matosinhos – Prof.ª Olinda Rocha.
Participation certificates were also given to all students and school groups.
This event was attended by the Councilor responsible for Education and Lifelong Learning, António Correia Pinto; the directors, deputy directors, school coordinators and head teachers of the groups of schools in the municipality of Matosinhos whose short films were selected; and the guardians of the students who participated in this event.