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Municipal company MatosinhosHabit rehouses 220 people in 2022

Developed by MatosinhosHabit and the Municipality, the housing policy in Matosinhos is prepared to meet the housing needs detected within the municipality

Taking stock of 2022, 94 social housing units were attributed in Matosinhos, which translated into a total of 220 rehoused people. Almost half of the attributions resulted from requests for social housing by citizens with housing needs.

It was through the asset management done by the municipal company that it became possible to make available for rehabilitation the 94 houses, attributed as a result of housing requests, cases of social vulnerability, social emergency, urbanistic operations, risk of ruin or imminent danger, and also through transfer and unfolding processes.

The Municipality of Matosinhos and MatosinhosHabit are working on an investment plan that foresees around 85 million euros in the construction and requalification of social housing, in supported renting and in the municipal program of rental support, of which 22.8 million euros are destined to support housing solutions of private promotion. In the last four years alone, 341 families have been rehoused in Matosinhos.

To help enhance the communication of MatosinhosHabit's programs, several actions are also planned to reinforce information about the municipality's intervention in promoting access to housing, aiming to promote social cohesion, attract and retain residents, qualify the municipal housing stock, promote qualification and territorial cohesion and consolidate the municipal territorial model.


The attribution of social housing depends on several factors, such as the existence of available housing and the position achieved by the applicant on the Public List for Access to Municipal Social Housing. To apply, the citizen fills out a form available on the MatosinhosHabit website and submit the requested documentation, which will be fully analyzed for eligibility purposes.

The final report attributes a classification to the candidate, positioning him/her in the Public List of Access to Municipal Social Housing, taking into consideration factors such as housing salubrity, financial and social situation and limitations by disability/illness.

It should be noted that the position achieved by the candidate in the List may change depending on the worsening / improvement of housing conditions of his/her household and the inclusion of other candidates in priority situation.


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