Captain-of-sea-and-war Silva Rocha took office

Humberto Renato da Silva Rocha took over the command of the Northern Maritime Zone, replacing Rui Fernando Amoroso Marrafa Santos Amaral.
The ceremony to hand over the Command of the Northern Maritime Zone and swearing in of the positions of Head of the Northern Maritime Department, Captain of the Ports of Douro and Leixões, Regional Commander of the Northern Maritime Police and Local Commander of the Maritime Police of the Douro and de Leixões, took place this morning, at Farol da Boa Nova, in Leça da Palmeira, and was attended by the Mayor of Matosinhos, Luísa Salgueiro.
Navy-class frigate captain, Silva Rocha previously led the Captaincy of the Port of Aveiro, Póvoa de Varzim and Vila do Conde, and Figueira da Foz.
In its area of jurisdiction, the Northern Maritime Zone Command ensures the conduct of naval operations, ensures the supervision of maritime spaces under national jurisdiction, collaborates in the naval control of navigation, prepares local defense plans for the ports located in its area of responsibility, and collaborates in search and rescue activities.