The proposal to present the city of Porto to the Council of Europe as "a cosmopolitan center full of cultural diversity" in order to apply for membership in the Portuguese Intercultural Cities Network was "unanimously approved at the Executive meeting this Monday", February 13
"According to the 2021 Census, the number of migrants in the city grew 107% in a decade and today Porto is home to about 14,500 people of foreign nationality, "representing approximately 7% of the total population," according to the news advanced by Porto.
The Portuguese Network of Intercultural Cities was established in 2012 and has the purpose of reviewing policies and "developing intercultural strategies, promoting cooperation between local communities and political representatives in the field of cultural diversity."
After the approval of the adhesion, the Municipality of Porto will legitimize the recognition of the "coexistence of diversity and plurality in the territories", applying methods of "diversity management" and "the promotion of an intercultural dialogue between different cultures".