To continue the mission of the structure, which currently supports 300 institutions and more than 58 thousand people, is the main objective of the new direction

The Porto Food Bank (BA) Against Hunger has a new president. Bárbara Barros - who was already part of the structure's board of directors - now takes over the position, with the objective of continuing the work developed by the Porto Food Bank team, which has been led by António Cândido da Silva. In this new phase, and especially taking into account the current and challenging context that the country is facing, the primary goal of the Oporto Food Bank will be to strengthen the support to about 300 institutions with which it works daily and that support, in turn, more than 58 thousand people.
"Taking on the presidency of the Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome do Porto at the present moment is, without a doubt, an enormous challenge," says Bárbara Barros. And she adds: "In recent years, the mission of this structure has gained unprecedented importance. After the pandemic, the country is now facing an economic and social crisis that presents us with and will unfortunately present challenges to which we will need to have an effective response. It is our obligation as an institution, as a society, and as a country." "For this, and now more than ever, we need the help of all Portuguese. After the movement that was created during the pandemic, I have no doubt that, despite all the difficulties, we'll be able to find solutions to help those who need it most," she concludes.
Bárbara Barros, 51, with a degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences, has been linked to the Banco Alimentar Contra a Fome do Porto since 2018, as a director and, since 2010, as a volunteer. She now assumes, for a period of four years, the presidency of the structure.