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Portugal Fashion will parade through the streets of Porto

Portugal Fashion is back in Porto, between March 14 and 18, for five days of fashion shows, presentations, showrooms and much more

The event, which celebrates its 52nd edition, will take place in several strategic points of the city and will feature "heavyweight" names of national fashion.

The highlight of the first day of the event, on March 14, is for the "presentation of the methodology of strategic reflection aiming at the construction of RE.PORT Portugal Fashion Strategic Plan 23-26", according to information disclosed by Sapo, based on the official communiqué sent by the organization. This presentation will take place at the National Association of Young Entrepreneurs (ANJE), at 15h00.

On March 15, the first fashion shows of this edition of Portugal Fashion will start. The first will take place at Rua Latino Coelho, starting at 2pm, "with the presentation of designer collections and brands such as Sava, Yeside Laguda, House of Wildflowers, Bloque and Ntando XV. This street will be the "stage" for most of the fashion shows that, in the last years, used to take place at Alfândega do Porto.

Andreia Reimão and Kaya Magalhães, the young designers "who won the Bloom contest, a platform dedicated to emerging designers in Portugal" will also present their collection on this day, "ending with the shows of Olooh, Wuman and Ahcor.

At 12:00, will take place at Norteshopping shopping center, in Matosinhos, the event "Portugal Fashion Show Off", which has "a 'showroom' where some brands of the event will be presented.

According to the same source, the fashion show of the duo of creators Marques'Almeida starts the second day of shows of Portugal Fashion. On the catwalk, the new collections of 'designers' Katush, Nuno Miguel Ramos, Susana Bettencourt, Nopin and Eric Raisina, will parade during the afternoon and evening.

On Friday, March 17th, Katty Xiomara will present her new collection, starting at 2:30 pm, at Grande Hotel do Porto. Back to Rua Latino Coelho, designers Miguel Vieira, Pedro Pedro, Diogo Miranda, Carolina Sobral, Estelita Mendonça, Awa Meite and Pé de Chumbo will present their new creations.

On the last day of the event, March 18, the collections of the famous Luís Onofre, David Catalán, Hugo Costa, Alexandra Moura, Maria Gambina and Sophia Kah will be presented.

The after-show will take place at Pérola Negra, a remarkable space in the Invicta city, starting at 11pm.

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