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Portuguese women only earn more than men in 6 professions

A kindergarten teacher and a primary school teacher are two of the examples

The pay gap between men and women is still a fact, although the figures show that the problem has been gradually reducing over time, particularly when analyzing professionals with the same level of academic training. According to data from the José Neves Foundation, based on Insight from its Brighter Future platform, "in 2020 [the latest data available], the average salary of men with a degree was 2211€, a figure 36% higher than the average salary of women with a degree (1629€). In 2010, the difference was approximately 42%.

The improvement in the situation has occurred mainly in recent years, thanks to "the more accentuated growth of the

average salary of female graduates in the post-financial crisis period. Between 2017 and 2020, this growth was 2.8% for men and 5.4% for women."

On the other hand, this seems to be a problem with a generational character, since among people who have more recently entered the labor market the difference is less than average. "In the case of younger workers, between the ages of 25 and 34, male graduates also earned a higher wage in 2020 than women with the same level of education. However, the wage gap was 19%, a figure well below that for older age groups," the foundation reveals.

But then there are disparities according to professions. The study analyzed 129 professional categories, and only in six of them did a woman with a degree earn on average more than a man with one. These are: Primary school teachers; Early childhood educators; Film, theater, television and radio directors, directors and producers; Network, computer and Web technicians; Biologists, botanists, zoologists and related specialists; and Social work specialists.

The data also allows us to gauge the areas with the greatest pay disparity, to the detriment of women. There are five professions where the gender pay gap was greater than 50%, i.e., the average salary earned by men with degrees was 1.5 times higher than the average salary earned by women with the same education: Coaches, instructors and sports referees; Chefs; General managers and executive managers of companies; Philosophers, historians and political science specialists; and Directors of construction and civil engineering industries.


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