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Sale of gasoline or diesel cars banned from 2035

The European Parliament approved the Goal 55 package, which calls for an end to the sale of gasoline and diesel cars

What was years ago a distant future. Today it is reality. The plenary of the European Parliament has determined that cars running on gasoline or diesel will be banned from sale after 2035.

This is the Objetiv 55, whose purpose is to reduce CO2 and greenhouse gas emissions in order to combat climate change.

The text was approved by the European Parliament plenary, with 340 votes in favor, 279 against and 21 abstentions.

Meanwhile, the goal announced for 2030 is to reduce emissions to 55% (compared to 2021) for new vehicles and 50% for vans and trucks, with both categories going to 100% in 2035.

According to the European Parliament, the approved regulation, which foresees the end of the marketing of cars running on gasoline or diesel, contains other measures considered fundamental:

  • By 2025, the Commission will present a methodology to assess and report data on CO2 emissions over the entire life cycle of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles sold on the European Union market. The methodology may be accompanied, if appropriate, by legislative proposals;

  • By December 2026, the Commission will monitor the difference between emission limit values and real world fuel and energy consumption data. A report will be presented on a methodology for adjusting the specific CO2 emissions of manufacturers and appropriate accompanying measures will be proposed;

  • A derogation may be granted to manufacturers responsible for small production volumes in a calendar year (1000 to 10,000 new passenger cars or 1000 to 22,000 new light commercial vehicles) until the end of 2035; while manufacturers registering fewer than 1000 new vehicles per year remain exempt.

  • Manufacturers who sell more zero or low emission vehicles (between 0 and 50 g CO2/km, such as electric vehicles and good performance rechargeable hybrids) are rewarded with lower CO2 emission reduction targets through the current incentive mechanism.

  • Every two years, starting at the end of 2025, the Commission will publish a report to assess progress towards emission-free road mobility.

  • Regarding the decision taken in the European Parliament, rapporteur Jan Huitema (Netherlands), author of the report on the revision of the EU CO2 standards for new cars and vans, argued that "this regulation encourages the production of zero or low emission vehicles" and that it "includes an ambitious revision of the 2030 targets and a zero emissions target for 2035, crucial to achieve climate neutrality by 2050.

Also according to the rapporteur, quoted on the European Parliament website, "these targets enlighten the car industry and stimulate innovation and investment for car manufacturers. Purchasing and driving emission-free vehicles will become cheaper for consumers and a second-hand market will emerge more quickly, making sustainable driving accessible to all.

Recall that on July 14, 2021, as part of the Goal 55 package, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal to revise CO2 emission performance standards for new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles.

The document aimed to contribute to the EU's 2030 and 2050 climate goals, provide benefits to citizens and stimulate innovation in emission-free technologies.

Electric cars are to become more affordable for consumers

The legislation now passed means that by 2035 all new cars sold in the European Union must be electric or powered by other renewable energy sources. In other words, cars running on gasoline or diesel will leave the market for good.

In this way a red card is given to fossil fuels (gasoline and diesel), definitively encouraging the transition to a cleaner and more sustainable mobility.

This transition will not be at all easy and will require, from all players in the automotive sector, large investments in charging infrastructures for electric vehicles, more research and development of cleaner technologies; at the same time it will affect the suppliers of car parts and fuel companies.

On the other hand, all the effort put in will have long-term benefits, such as reduced gas emissions, improved air quality, and reduced dependence on oil.

One question that arises is what will happen to the current gasoline or diesel cars. Can they be driven or not? What is known is that current drivers will be able to continue to enjoy their cars.

The new rules do not mean that all cars on the road will have to emit zero CO2 emissions by 2035.

Anyone who chooses to buy a new car today can do so. Since the average lifespan of a car is 15 years, the 2035 limit fits into that time frame. The goal is that from that date on cars will be effectively CO2 neutral by 2050.

Therefore, consumers will have to adapt to the new reality of electric mobility. The option of buying an electric car will have to be considered, as well as the installation of charging points in homes or even workplaces.

The European Parliament's decision also aims to accelerate the transition to cleaner vehicles and encourage the automotive industry to develop more advanced technologies.

Another goal is to boost the market for electric cars by making their purchase more affordable.

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